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A 101-year-old woman who lived through the Great Depression received a standing ovation after giving a rousing 90-minute talk to an unemployment group.


Ms Murphy's talk began with her childhood in Gateshead, where she was born in 1913.


She attended school aged five but her alcoholic father, who returned from the First World War with "shell shock" - now known as post-traumatic stress disorder - wanted her at home.


When she turned 11 he tried to stop her attending the local grammar school, too.


"He wanted me at home looking after my four little brothers and my sister," she said.


"But even though it involved a five mile walk and two train journeys every day, I was determined to be educated".


Thanks to her endurance Ms Murphy earned the qualifications to embark on a two-year teacher training course in 1932.


But before she had the chance to begin her career, the Great Depression struck.


She was left having to search for work, and eventually secured a teaching position in County Durham.


"I know what it's like when you can't find work through no fault of your own, and that's what I told them during my talk," she said.


The talk also took in major events throughout her lifetime such as the miners' strike and the 27-year imprisonment of Nelson Mandela, who she described as one of her heroes.


The struggle for Ms Murphy did not end when she found a job, however. She told the adult learners she was angry that would have to give up her job if she found a husband.


That never happened, however - as in the same year that she met her future husband Michael, the Second World War broke out.


Because men were needed to fight overseas, she could continue teaching, albeit with a £1-a-week pay cut.


It meant she was lucky never to experience long-term unemployment again, and retired happily at the age of 60 after separating from her husband.


Ms Murphy's talk was arranged by a reminiscence group at the Addison Court Nursing Home where she lives in Tyne and Wear.


Afterwards she said she had wanted to support people who were struggling to find work by sharing her experiences, having lived through war and the worst recessions of the 20th Century.


The home's activities co-ordinator Deb Carter said: "Annie is just amazing. When she gave her talk, the audience were absolutely fascinated."


"Her memory is crystal clear and she brought events they'd only read about, to life. We are now hoping to line up more talks for her - she really is an inspiration."


Ms Murphy has now been nominated for an award by the council area's Workability Group, which is run by volunteers who help find qualifications for people without a job.


A 101-year-old woman who lived through the Great Depression received a standing ovation after giving a rousing 90-minute talk to an unemployment group.


Ms Murphy's talk began with her childhood in Gateshead, where she was born in 1913.


She attended school aged five but her alcoholic father, who returned from the First World War with "shell shock" - now known as post-traumatic stress disorder - wanted her at home.


When she turned 11 he tried to stop her attending the local grammar school, too.


"He wanted me at home looking after my four little brothers and my sister," she said.


"But even though it involved a five mile walk and two train journeys every day, I was determined to be educated".


Thanks to her endurance Ms Murphy earned the qualifications to embark on a two-year teacher training course in 1932.


But before she had the chance to begin her career, the Great Depression struck.


She was left having to search for work, and eventually secured a teaching position in County Durham.


"I know what it's like when you can't find work through no fault of your own, and that's what I told them during my talk," she said.


The talk also took in major events throughout her lifetime such as the miners' strike and the 27-year imprisonment of Nelson Mandela, who she described as one of her heroes.


The struggle for Ms Murphy did not end when she found a job, however. She told the adult learners she was angry that would have to give up her job if she found a husband.


That never happened, however - as in the same year that she met her future husband Michael, the Second World War broke out.


Because men were needed to fight overseas, she could continue teaching, albeit with a £1-a-week pay cut.


It meant she was lucky never to experience long-term unemployment again, and retired happily at the age of 60 after separating from her husband.


Ms Murphy's talk was arranged by a reminiscence group at the Addison Court Nursing Home where she lives in Tyne and Wear.


Afterwards she said she had wanted to support people who were struggling to find work by sharing her experiences, having lived through war and the worst recessions of the 20th Century.


The home's activities co-ordinator Deb Carter said: "Annie is just amazing. When she gave her talk, the audience were absolutely fascinated."


"Her memory is crystal clear and she brought events they'd only read about, to life. We are now hoping to line up more talks for her - she really is an inspiration."


Ms Murphy has now been nominated for an award by the council area's Workability Group, which is run by volunteers who help find qualifications for people without a job.


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