How late is too late? 多晚算太晚?

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How late is too late? 多晚算太晚?

随身英语 How late is too late? 多晚算太晚?


你也许听说过“better late than never 晚来总比不来强”这个说法。那么,到底多晚算太晚?生活在不同文化背景中的人,对时间的概念、对“迟到”的定义大相径庭。本集《随身英语》带你了解来自不同国家的人对“迟到”的定义和看法。

课文内容 Vocabulary: time 词汇:时间

Time flies, or so they say. No matter where you are, humans are constantly measuring and checking time. Some of us are good at it – planning and doing things way ahead of time - while others are always trying to beat the clock and do things at the eleventh hour. And that’s only if you’re on time. What about if you are behind time?

Tardiness can be serious. If you were one minute late for work, would you resign? It may sound extreme to many of us, but that is exactly what occurred in the UK upper chamber of parliament, the House of Lords, in January 2024. International development minister Lord Bates arrived one minute late, and, as a result, was unable to answer a scheduled question. Instead of trying to make up for lost time, as many might do, he resigned on the spot. He apologised for his discourtesy and stated that he was ashamed. His resignation, though, was not accepted by the UK prime minister.

So, how late is too late? Many cultures take punctuality very seriously, whereas others seem to accept lagging behind as just the normal way of things. Members of the BBC from various different cultures were asked about the concept of timekeeping in their native countries and responded with a raft of answers.

BBC employees from Latin America, Rwanda and Sri Lanka said that there are more flexible attitudes to timekeeping in their cultures. In Latin America, things may happen five minutes, 20 minutes, an hour or even two after they were planned. Whereas, in Sri Lanka, lateness is a part of the daily routine. This is because of poor infrastructure and heavy traffic conditions. In Rwanda, those who attend to deadlines with rigid timekeeping are said to be ‘like a typical European’. This is in a place where it is not unusual to arrive at 11am for a meeting which started at nine.

On the other hand, German and Japanese employees mentioned a stricter adherence to time. In Japan, it is common to make an effort to arrive with time to spare for an appointment. Those who arrived at the stroke of nine to a meeting starting at nine a.m. would be considered late. In Germany, however, if a dinner party were to begin at eight, a person who had arrived five minutes prior, may walk around the block to ensure that they arrive at eight on the dot.

It seems that the answer is subjective, and what is considered acceptable is based on culture. That said, if you don’t mind waiting, it might be best to attend your appointments in good time. And if the worst comes to the worst, remember the old English proverb. Better late than never.

词汇表 time flies 时光飞逝

ahead of time 提前

beat the clock “战胜时间”,提前完成工作,赶时间(做某事)

at the eleventh hour 在最后一刻,在最后时刻

on time 按时,准时

behind time 迟到

tardiness 延迟,拖拉

scheduled 已安排的

make up for lost time 弥补失去的时间

late 晚的,迟的

punctuality 准时性,守时

lag 掉队,滞后

timekeeping 守时

deadline 截至日期,最后期限

rigid timekeeping 严格的时间规定

with time to spare 有富余时间

at the stroke of 刚好在…的时候

prior 在…之前

on the dot 准时

in good time 提早,有充裕时间的

better late than never 晚来总比不来强;迟做总比不做好

测验与练习 1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What did Lord Bates do when he arrived late at the House of Lords in January 2024?

2. True or false: All cultures have the same attitude towards punctuality.

3. Which three cultures mentioned in the text have a more flexible attitude to timekeeping?

4. What would German people do if they found themselves five minutes early for a party?

5. Which word in the text means ‘rudeness’?

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. Ladies and Gentlemen. Due to our speedy take off and the calm weather, I am pleased to say we are currently 15 minutes ______.

on time       behind time       late       ahead of time

2. If you’re going to work on the railroad, you’ll need ______. You can’t be late by even half a minute.

tardiness       scheduled       on the dot       rigid timekeeping

3. The register said I was late, but actually I arrived 5 minutes ______ to the recorded time.

in good time       prior       with time to spare       lagging

4. They say that the ghost will appear on October 31st ______ midnight.

on time       scheduled       at the stroke of       on the dot

5. I had to quit. I loved the work, but I couldn’t deal with all the ______. You never had enough time to do anything.

tardiness       deadlines       lagging       in good time

答案 1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What did Lord Bates do when he arrived one minute late at the House of Lords in January 2024?

He apologised for his discourtesy and stated that he was ashamed. He then resigned on the spot. 

2. True or false: All cultures have the same attitude towards punctuality.

False.  Many cultures take punctuality very seriously, whereas others seem to accept lagging behind as just the way of things.

3. Which three cultures mentioned in the text have a more flexible attitude to timekeeping?

BBC employees from Latin America, Rwanda and Sri Lanka mentioned more flexible attitudes to timekeeping in their cultures.

4. What might German people do if they found themselves five minutes early for a party?

They may walk around the block to ensure that they arrive at eight on the dot.

5. Which word in the text means ‘rudeness’?

‘Discourtesy’ (He apologised for his discourtesy and stated that he was ashamed.)

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. Ladies and Gentlemen. Due to our speedy take off and the calm weather, I am pleased to say we are currently 15 minutes ahead of time.

2. If you’re going to work on the railroad, you’ll need rigid timekeeping. You can’t be late by even half a minute.

3. The register said I was late, but actually I arrived 5 minutes prior to the recorded time.

4. They say that the ghost will appear on October 31st at the stroke of midnight.

5. I had to quit. I loved the work, but I couldn’t deal with all the deadlines. You never had enough time to do anything.

随身英语 How late is too late? 多晚算太晚?


你也许听说过“better late than never 晚来总比不来强”这个说法。那么,到底多晚算太晚?生活在不同文化背景中的人,对时间的概念、对“迟到”的定义大相径庭。本集《随身英语》带你了解来自不同国家的人对“迟到”的定义和看法。

课文内容 Vocabulary: time 词汇:时间

Time flies, or so they say. No matter where you are, humans are constantly measuring and checking time. Some of us are good at it – planning and doing things way ahead of time - while others are always trying to beat the clock and do things at the eleventh hour. And that’s only if you’re on time. What about if you are behind time?

Tardiness can be serious. If you were one minute late for work, would you resign? It may sound extreme to many of us, but that is exactly what occurred in the UK upper chamber of parliament, the House of Lords, in January 2024. International development minister Lord Bates arrived one minute late, and, as a result, was unable to answer a scheduled question. Instead of trying to make up for lost time, as many might do, he resigned on the spot. He apologised for his discourtesy and stated that he was ashamed. His resignation, though, was not accepted by the UK prime minister.

So, how late is too late? Many cultures take punctuality very seriously, whereas others seem to accept lagging behind as just the normal way of things. Members of the BBC from various different cultures were asked about the concept of timekeeping in their native countries and responded with a raft of answers.

BBC employees from Latin America, Rwanda and Sri Lanka said that there are more flexible attitudes to timekeeping in their cultures. In Latin America, things may happen five minutes, 20 minutes, an hour or even two after they were planned. Whereas, in Sri Lanka, lateness is a part of the daily routine. This is because of poor infrastructure and heavy traffic conditions. In Rwanda, those who attend to deadlines with rigid timekeeping are said to be ‘like a typical European’. This is in a place where it is not unusual to arrive at 11am for a meeting which started at nine.

On the other hand, German and Japanese employees mentioned a stricter adherence to time. In Japan, it is common to make an effort to arrive with time to spare for an appointment. Those who arrived at the stroke of nine to a meeting starting at nine a.m. would be considered late. In Germany, however, if a dinner party were to begin at eight, a person who had arrived five minutes prior, may walk around the block to ensure that they arrive at eight on the dot.

It seems that the answer is subjective, and what is considered acceptable is based on culture. That said, if you don’t mind waiting, it might be best to attend your appointments in good time. And if the worst comes to the worst, remember the old English proverb. Better late than never.

词汇表 time flies 时光飞逝

ahead of time 提前

beat the clock “战胜时间”,提前完成工作,赶时间(做某事)

at the eleventh hour 在最后一刻,在最后时刻

on time 按时,准时

behind time 迟到

tardiness 延迟,拖拉

scheduled 已安排的

make up for lost time 弥补失去的时间

late 晚的,迟的

punctuality 准时性,守时

lag 掉队,滞后

timekeeping 守时

deadline 截至日期,最后期限

rigid timekeeping 严格的时间规定

with time to spare 有富余时间

at the stroke of 刚好在…的时候

prior 在…之前

on the dot 准时

in good time 提早,有充裕时间的

better late than never 晚来总比不来强;迟做总比不做好

测验与练习 1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What did Lord Bates do when he arrived late at the House of Lords in January 2024?

2. True or false: All cultures have the same attitude towards punctuality.

3. Which three cultures mentioned in the text have a more flexible attitude to timekeeping?

4. What would German people do if they found themselves five minutes early for a party?

5. Which word in the text means ‘rudeness’?

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. Ladies and Gentlemen. Due to our speedy take off and the calm weather, I am pleased to say we are currently 15 minutes ______.

on time       behind time       late       ahead of time

2. If you’re going to work on the railroad, you’ll need ______. You can’t be late by even half a minute.

tardiness       scheduled       on the dot       rigid timekeeping

3. The register said I was late, but actually I arrived 5 minutes ______ to the recorded time.

in good time       prior       with time to spare       lagging

4. They say that the ghost will appear on October 31st ______ midnight.

on time       scheduled       at the stroke of       on the dot

5. I had to quit. I loved the work, but I couldn’t deal with all the ______. You never had enough time to do anything.

tardiness       deadlines       lagging       in good time

答案 1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What did Lord Bates do when he arrived one minute late at the House of Lords in January 2024?

He apologised for his discourtesy and stated that he was ashamed. He then resigned on the spot. 

2. True or false: All cultures have the same attitude towards punctuality.

False.  Many cultures take punctuality very seriously, whereas others seem to accept lagging behind as just the way of things.

3. Which three cultures mentioned in the text have a more flexible attitude to timekeeping?

BBC employees from Latin America, Rwanda and Sri Lanka mentioned more flexible attitudes to timekeeping in their cultures.

4. What might German people do if they found themselves five minutes early for a party?

They may walk around the block to ensure that they arrive at eight on the dot.

5. Which word in the text means ‘rudeness’?

‘Discourtesy’ (He apologised for his discourtesy and stated that he was ashamed.)

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. Ladies and Gentlemen. Due to our speedy take off and the calm weather, I am pleased to say we are currently 15 minutes ahead of time.

2. If you’re going to work on the railroad, you’ll need rigid timekeeping. You can’t be late by even half a minute.

3. The register said I was late, but actually I arrived 5 minutes prior to the recorded time.

4. They say that the ghost will appear on October 31st at the stroke of midnight.

5. I had to quit. I loved the work, but I couldn’t deal with all the deadlines. You never had enough time to do anything.

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