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1, the sun, the pink silk satin appears in the sky, the sunset. The clouds in the sky, some like mountains, some like horses, some like a lion...... Red, pink, orange...... Shapes, colors, beautiful!


2, Water Street on the other side is a row of green willow, a gust of wind blowing, willow that green dress like a fairy general dance.


3, the one after another snowflake like a angel in white. White House, the grass dyed white, and the mountains of white...... As if it is a white fairy tale world.


4, the water is so clear, the water reflects the blue sky, white clouds, as if it is a piece of the sky. The stream of water, water is pushed shook, leisurely wiggling slender waist. Occasionally there are a few flowers falling on the water, a swing in a whole stream, exudes the fragrance of flowers.


5, when night fell, fountain spray drops, some are as beautiful as a fairy Sanhua, some like fireworks in bloom, some like put a beautiful small fan, and the like to the flowered umbrella... It is a riot of colours in different poses and with different expressions!


6 and when you stand in the middle of Xinhua bridge overlooking to the northeast, a silver white jade belt bridge, arch in the mouth of the West Fu, the exquisite modelling, rippling blue waves of the river to add luster.


7, spring is the season of all things wake: grass from the soil stuck a small head, as if to put the earth on a green; the trees grow out of the green leaves, close look like a green ribbon, from a distance, like a small umbrella; under the touch of spring, the flowers all over the mountains and plains of the open their eyes, a flower, two flowers, one clump, two cluster...


8, a breeze blows, the golden rice with the wind, like a golden sea.


9, endless fields, golden rice mature, like a block of gold; Orchard Fruits, red cheeked apples, pear like a small gourd hanging in the tree, the leaves have turned yellow, falling one after another, like a butterfly dance, a gust of wind blowing, give people bring a trace of coolness.


10, the back of my house there is a dense bamboo forest, there are bamboo pole million, Jin Lingyun festival. Yuankan, Zhuhai ocean. The "green wave" cover a wave after wave, "falling" on the sound, rhythm clear, melodious.


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