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A German confectionery company has been forced to apologise for posting a “racist” picture of a chocolate marshmallow in a wedding dress on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's wedding day.


Social media users condemned the image, angrily accusing Super Dickmann's of racism.

社交媒体用户纷纷声讨这张图像,愤怒地指责Super Dickmann's的种族歧视行为。

One Twitter user said: “I don't know if I should laugh or cry,” and another said: “The prize for the dumbest royal wedding post goes to Super Dickmann.”

一位推特用户说:“我不知道应该笑还是哭,”还有人说:“最蠢王室婚礼帖子奖属于Super Dickmann。”

The Initiative for Black People in Germany posted: “As if we didn't have to listen to enough subliminal racist comments on television during the wedding.”


Super Dickmann's said the decision to compare Ms Markle to the chocolate-covered treat was “stupid and embarrassing” and deleted its Facebook post.

Super Dickmann的发言人表示,把梅根比做巧克力的决定是“愚蠢而且令人尴尬"的,并且删除了这条Facebook帖子。

The company had shared the image of a "Schokokuss" ("chocolate kiss") – one of its products – as a bride in a cathedral on Saturday, coinciding with the wedding of Prince Harry and the new Duchess of Sussex, whose mother is black.


The headline was "A foam in white", referring to the Schokokuss's creamy interior, which in German rhymes with the phrase "a dream in white”.


The caption read: "What are you looking at? Wouldn't you also want to be Meghan today?"


A German confectionery company has been forced to apologise for posting a “racist” picture of a chocolate marshmallow in a wedding dress on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's wedding day.


Social media users condemned the image, angrily accusing Super Dickmann's of racism.

社交媒体用户纷纷声讨这张图像,愤怒地指责Super Dickmann's的种族歧视行为。

One Twitter user said: “I don't know if I should laugh or cry,” and another said: “The prize for the dumbest royal wedding post goes to Super Dickmann.”

一位推特用户说:“我不知道应该笑还是哭,”还有人说:“最蠢王室婚礼帖子奖属于Super Dickmann。”

The Initiative for Black People in Germany posted: “As if we didn't have to listen to enough subliminal racist comments on television during the wedding.”


Super Dickmann's said the decision to compare Ms Markle to the chocolate-covered treat was “stupid and embarrassing” and deleted its Facebook post.

Super Dickmann的发言人表示,把梅根比做巧克力的决定是“愚蠢而且令人尴尬"的,并且删除了这条Facebook帖子。

The company had shared the image of a "Schokokuss" ("chocolate kiss") – one of its products – as a bride in a cathedral on Saturday, coinciding with the wedding of Prince Harry and the new Duchess of Sussex, whose mother is black.


The headline was "A foam in white", referring to the Schokokuss's creamy interior, which in German rhymes with the phrase "a dream in white”.


The caption read: "What are you looking at? Wouldn't you also want to be Meghan today?"


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