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春天来了,万物复苏(come back to life), 春风(spring breeze)和煦,空气清新(crisp), 天气温和(mild)。万里无云的天空下, 或许你正在沐浴阳光(soak up the sun)。如此美妙的春日里,英文里竟有这些短语看上去春意盎然,实则另有他意。

【第1句】: (As) fresh as a daisy


例:She always seems to be (as) fresh as a daisy.


【第2句】: Ray of sunshine

一缕阳光照过来是不是温暖又明亮?嗯嗯~ 不过这个短语不是让你来形容春日暖阳的.,它表示让人欢喜的人或事。

例:He was a ray of sunshine to his patients.


【第3句】: Let the grass grow under your feet

春天百花盛开,我们脚下的小草也绿了起来~ 但这个短语并不是用来形容草地茂盛的,它的意思是做事拖拉,浪费时间,多与否定形式连用。

例:We can't let the grass grow under our feet — we've really got to get going with this project.


【第4句】: Brighten up someone's day

春天来到,白天的时间越来越长,这个短语莫不是讲的此种自然规律?No,no,no~ Brighten up虽有“点亮”的意思,但这个短语指的是让某人高兴。

例:Thank you so much for surprising me with dinner at my favorite restaurant. You have brighten up my day.




最重要的是:应聘者要使 招聘 单位相信,应聘者在过往单位的离职原因是某些良好的愿望,避免把离职原因说得太详细、太具体;不能掺杂主观的负面感受;不能涉及自己负面的人格特征;尽量使解释的'理由为应聘者个人形象添彩。例如:

为更专门的工作(for more specialized work)

为晋升的前途(for prospects of promotion)

为更高层次的工作责任(for higher responsibility)

为扩大工作经验(for wider experience)

  由于公司倒闭(due to close-down of company)

由于雇用期满(due to expiry of employment)



1, accord with 3/4 position requires immediate action


The job market is competition has reached a white-hot, and to applicant for says, to find a satisfactory job, to get at least two or three jobs, to screening. And to get the 2-3 jobs, job seekers to do to at least 6-10 have the vacancy of the interview. In order to get this 6-10 companies interview, job seekers must prior contact N companies deliver resume. Therefore, in the intense competition real condition, if your ability to enterprise job requirement 3/4, can send your resume.


2, "odds" high but get an interview is the target


Generally speaking, each 100 job seekers can have 2-4 individual won, and to get the 6-10 interview, have to deliver 500-1000 resumes out. We respond to the recruitment advertisement for the goal is a personal interview, although "odds" is very high, but if you master must resume production skills, to better show their own advantages, accurate positioning, the application specific goals, compared with those who cover people blindly, wins an interview likely to be much higher.


3, response as far as possible concise and true


In your resume, you can reference part of the recruitment advertisement special requirements, and then will his conformity with or related experience list, they are summarized after the list, each point increase in before symbols with outstanding, to strengthen you and the position's requirements for matching. If do not have some technical requirements in advertising, at least to show this is full of interest. Of course, want to truly express ideas, not in order to get jobs and pretend to be interested in it.







