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My hometown is not what famous tourist attractions, but with its unique charm; My hometown is not green hills and water, but with a languid brook; My hometown is not gorgeous, but pure and fresh and natural.

Spring is a season for revival, at this time, in the home of individual trees, there are many wild flowers with their own kind of flowers, fruit trees sprout, so fresh green, then the living green, the flowers are also unwilling to lag behind, scrambling to open, the flower is not as good as the odd coloured different grass in the city there as jiao qi, precious, but show their vigor and vitality, breathing the sunshine rain and dew of the field, it seemed to be very satisfied, it revealed in plain ordinary people feel pure and fresh feeling.

A continuous drizzle, knocking the door during the summer. After the rain and baptism, more verdant leaves. Been, patches of green.

Autumn girl holding chrysanthemum sister's hand, shanshan, heavy autumn girl basket every year. Look! Persimmon, elliptic, is like a small lantern, the golden pear, tempt people, let people can't help to bite and the sweet smell from the taste buds your heart...

Winds and heavy rains come hand in hand, everyone in the winter wind force put on the wool coat, the plum blossom is the only thing standing alone in the snow, it's should be "plum blossom incense from Fairbanks to" historic sentence!

I love my hometown, the hometown of green, the beauty of love home, love hometown more vigor and vitality!








River bend around a few, through my door, that is born I keep my place - the metro. Metro is a beautiful place, as a handsome township of children, we should say loudly: "metro is a good place!"

Metro beautiful scenery. In front of the metro is water, is behind the mountain, under the blue sky white clouds, mountains, everywhere is tall tower, all is wide asphalt road. Binjiang road but also the beautiful scenery line of metro. Long corridor, clean the pavilion, also with many beautiful flowers all the year round, everywhere with a light faint scent, let people leisure mood is particularly happy. Binjiang road is very long and it is said that its length is dozens of times longer than a train! In binjiang road east, there is a large square, it is the famous marshal RongZhen square. Marshal statue stands in the east side, every day to protect the children of handsome township. In the bottom of the square is the metro music fountain, every Friday, Saturday, Sunday. People mountain people sea here, and all the people gather here from all directions, watch the wonderful and magical fountain, make you unconsciously with the music, such as into the wonderland in the colorful spray. In pieces of screams, cool water mist spill in your face, when you will suddenly wake up, a fountain there are movies.

In metro east side, there is a second Yangtze river bridge, it is currently the only car sharing with light rail bridge in chongqing. It is not only a bright spot of the metro and metro's masterpiece. Metro is rapid economic development, it is with chongqing, before is no longer that little city!

Metro products is also very rich. Have metro meters flower sugar, metro sesame rod, shancheng, peanut oil creek, pioneer in Chinese prickly ash, metro dahongpao orange, etc. Among them, my favorite food is dahongpao orange. Because of it, a sour sweet. Gently bite and juices flowing, sings full flesh, delicious!

Look, this is my beautiful hometown -- metro!













“风景”一 不倒的巨塔


“风景”二 城市的指挥家


“风景”三 城市美容师






挡着我们的是一个年纪大约六十岁的老奶奶带着一个小女孩。那个老奶奶向我们露出祈求的眼神,仿佛在说:‘‘可怜可怜我们吧!我们已经一天没吃饭了。’’看着她们的穷样,我感到鼻子很酸。我们大家讨论了一会便决定把身上剩下的钱的三分之一给她们。那位老奶奶看到我们拿出二十多快,连忙说;“不用这么多,只要一点点就够了,谢谢你们了!”他又赶忙对旁边的小女孩说:“还不谢谢大哥哥!”小女孩欣喜的对我们说了一声谢谢。 告别了她们,我们继续游玩,只是口袋钱少了,心中欢喜多了而已。当我们要回去的时候,我们有看见了那个老奶奶和那个小女孩。只是她们没有向他人乞讨而是从口袋中拿出几张一块钱,并对正前方同样也是身着破破烂烂的小男孩说道:“小朋友,奶奶还有几块钱,给你,你拿去用吧。”







健身;有的小孩在大人的陪伴下来到大湖边看鱼儿在水里成群成队玩老鹰捉小鸡的游戏。 将来,我要更加努力学习,用新的科学技术改善我的家乡,希望我的家乡变得更环保、更健康,更充满阳光和魅力的现代化都市!


我的家乡有一座美丽的山,它的名字叫六顶山。 六顶山的山峰连绵起伏,一个山峰连着一个山峰,共有六个山峰连在一起,所以称之为六顶山,它现在已成为全国有名风景名胜区。 远远望去,六顶山上有一座大佛,那就是于2011年新建成的金鼎大佛。金鼎大佛是世界最大的`释迦牟尼坐佛,它和香港天坛大佛遥相呼应。金鼎大佛高48米,莲花座高【第9句】:6,米,佛身高【第38句】:4米,真不愧为世界最大的释迦牟尼坐佛呀!来观赏的人都对它的雄伟壮观赞不绝口。 山下还有一座宏伟壮观,富丽堂皇的正觉寺,正觉寺占地面积约十万平方米,在寺院里建有山门殿、天王殿、大雄宝殿、观音殿等多个殿堂,在天王殿里有释迦牟尼石像、四大天王石像,另外还有很多我叫不出名的佛像。每天来烧香拜佛的人络绎不绝。 在六顶山的南面还有一座清始祖祠,占地约五万平方米,清始祖布库里雍顺是满族人的祖先,清始祖祠是满族人祭祀祖先的祠堂。在祠堂内铸有布库里雍顺和康熙、雍正、乾隆等是十一位皇帝的石像,还有一个皇帝的宝座,这座清始祖祠金碧辉煌,气势恢弘。 这就是家乡的六顶山风景区。


我的家乡风景优美,物产丰富,可是有点美中不足就是部分环境遭到破坏。 一个周末,我去二糖厂打乒乓球,刚到那里,一股异味扑鼻而来!瞧,二糖厂正排出滚滚浓烟,公路上货车排放的大量尾气,甚至路旁还有马屎、牛粪之类堆积在一起,行人都捂着鼻子,连路边的草也是黄黄的。我再往山上走,渐渐异味没有了,还飘来一股清香,树上的小鸟在枝头上叽叽喳喳地叫个不停,小溪清澈见底,树木郁郁葱葱,不远处还有一所职业学校,同学们正在给树浇水呢! 在同一个城市,为什么差异就如此之大呢?原来,二糖厂厂区的水、空气受到了严重的污染,而相反,山上的树没有受到污染,而是得到了人们的精心呵护,所以山上的树木长得郁郁葱葱。 在保护环境方面,我们虽然做不了大事,但可以从身边的小事做起,比如,不要乱扔垃圾,多植树木,看到有人乱扔垃圾要主动提醒,多坐公交车,少坐私家车&&。 同学们,为了使我们的家乡天更蓝,水更清,花更香,草更绿,让我们一起共同努力,来保护家乡的环境吧!





My hometown is not what famous tourist attractions, but with its unique charm; My hometown is not green hills and water, but with a languid brook; My hometown is not gorgeous, but pure and fresh and natural.

Spring is a season for revival, at this time, in the home of individual trees, there are many wild flowers with their own kind of flowers, fruit trees sprout, so fresh green, then the living green, the flowers are also unwilling to lag behind, scrambling to open, the flower is not as good as the odd coloured different grass in the city there as jiao qi, precious, but show their vigor and vitality, breathing the sunshine rain and dew of the field, it seemed to be very satisfied, it revealed in plain ordinary people feel pure and fresh feeling.

A continuous drizzle, knocking the door during the summer. After the rain and baptism, more verdant leaves. Been, patches of green.

Autumn girl holding chrysanthemum sister's hand, shanshan, heavy autumn girl basket every year. Look! Persimmon, elliptic, is like a small lantern, the golden pear, tempt people, let people can't help to bite and the sweet smell from the taste buds your heart...

Winds and heavy rains come hand in hand, everyone in the winter wind force put on the wool coat, the plum blossom is the only thing standing alone in the snow, it's should be "plum blossom incense from Fairbanks to" historic sentence!

I love my hometown, the hometown of green, the beauty of love home, love hometown more vigor and vitality!








River bend around a few, through my door, that is born I keep my place - the metro. Metro is a beautiful place, as a handsome township of children, we should say loudly: "metro is a good place!"

Metro beautiful scenery. In front of the metro is water, is behind the mountain, under the blue sky white clouds, mountains, everywhere is tall tower, all is wide asphalt road. Binjiang road but also the beautiful scenery line of metro. Long corridor, clean the pavilion, also with many beautiful flowers all the year round, everywhere with a light faint scent, let people leisure mood is particularly happy. Binjiang road is very long and it is said that its length is dozens of times longer than a train! In binjiang road east, there is a large square, it is the famous marshal RongZhen square. Marshal statue stands in the east side, every day to protect the children of handsome township. In the bottom of the square is the metro music fountain, every Friday, Saturday, Sunday. People mountain people sea here, and all the people gather here from all directions, watch the wonderful and magical fountain, make you unconsciously with the music, such as into the wonderland in the colorful spray. In pieces of screams, cool water mist spill in your face, when you will suddenly wake up, a fountain there are movies.

In metro east side, there is a second Yangtze river bridge, it is currently the only car sharing with light rail bridge in chongqing. It is not only a bright spot of the metro and metro's masterpiece. Metro is rapid economic development, it is with chongqing, before is no longer that little city!

Metro products is also very rich. Have metro meters flower sugar, metro sesame rod, shancheng, peanut oil creek, pioneer in Chinese prickly ash, metro dahongpao orange, etc. Among them, my favorite food is dahongpao orange. Because of it, a sour sweet. Gently bite and juices flowing, sings full flesh, delicious!

Look, this is my beautiful hometown -- metro!




