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如果我可以阻止一颗心走向破碎,那么我就没有虚度此生。 以下内容是小编为您精心整理的英文的晚安心语句子,欢迎参考!


Good night, sleep tight! 晚安, 睡个好觉!

Good night -- sweet dreams! 晚安--祝你做好梦!

Long Kiss Goodnight 长吻晚安

Sweet dreams! 甜蜜的梦!晚安!

In such a cold winter evening, love is luxury, making couples happier and the single lonelier. 在这寒冷的冬夜,爱是一种奢侈,它让情侣更幸福,孤单者更寂寞。

Stars lit, the night sky not dark: Greetings accompanied, the soul will not be lonely; blessing, send you warm. May you have sweet dreams tonight, good night! 星星亮着,夜空就不会黑暗:问候伴着,心灵就不会孤单;祝福传递,温暖送你。愿你今晚有个好梦,晚安!简短的英文晚安心语

The first ray of morning knock wind is my to your heartfelt greetings, night the stars do not fall I give you good night wishes! 早晨扣门的第一缕风儿是我对你的衷心问候、深夜不落的星星是我献给你晚安的祝福!

The sundowners, I have a deep worry, now you have to sweet home, please take off tired a day listening to my dressing gown, a loving word: good night! 夕阳西下,黑夜中我有深切的牵挂,此刻你早已回到温馨的家,请脱下疲惫一天的衣褂,静听我一句深情的话:晚安!

Want to cry, the tear drops into the heart, because love you wronged. Sleepy, people in a trance floating dream, because we always sweet dreams! 想哭了,泪点点滴滴入心里,是因为想到爱你的委屈。想睡了,人恍恍惚惚飘入梦里,是因为梦里我们总甜蜜相依!晚安心语

We now races, who first dream to see Zhou Gong, if I win, you let me kiss you, if you win, I let you kiss! Come on. Sleep fast! Tomorrow morning message announcement of results, will meet" awards". 我们现在比赛,谁先梦见到周公,如果我赢了,你让我亲一下,如果你赢了,我让你亲一下!加油!快睡吧!明天早上短信公布比赛结果,明晚见面“颁奖”。


Love is the emblem of eternity; it confounds all notion of time; effaces all memory of a beginning, all fear of an end. — Germaine De Stael


A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. — Ingrid Bergman

甜蜜的吻是大自然最巧妙最可爱的设计,使人少说了多余的话语。 — 英格丽·褒曼

French is the language that turns dirt into romance. — Stephen King

法语是一种将淫秽肮脏变成浪漫的一种语言。 — 史蒂芬·金

You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. — Sam Keen


I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. — Elizabeth Barrett Browning

我爱你,并不是因为你是一个什么样的人,而是我和你在一起时的感觉。 — 伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁

To find someone who will love you for no reason, and to shower that person with reasons, that is the ultimate happiness. — Robert Brault

找一个无条件爱你的人,然后你合乎情理地狠狠爱他,这就是最大的兴福。 — 罗伯特·布洛尔特

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart. — Helen Keller

世界上最美好的事情,你无法看到或者听到,但是一定可以用心感受到。 — 海伦·凯勒

Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. — Maya Angelou

什么都无法阻挡爱,它能越过层层阻碍,越过艰难险阻,满怀希望的到达目的'地。 — 玛娅安杰洛

If you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life. — Oscar Wilde

如果你不会离开太久,我会在这儿等你一生。 — 奥斯卡·王尔德

Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow. — William Shakespeare

晚安!晚安!离别时如此甜美的忧伤,我要说晚安直到天明。 — 威廉·莎士比亚

If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain. — Emily Dickinson

如果我可以阻止一颗心走向破碎,那么我就没有虚度此生。 — 艾米莉·狄金森

The word 'romance,' according to the dictionary, means excitement, adventure, and something extremely real. Romance should last a lifetime. — Billy Graham

字典对"浪漫"的解释:兴奋的,冒险的,一种非常真实的东西,浪漫充斥着你的一生。 — 比利·格雷厄姆

The real lover is the man who can thrill you just by touching your head or smiling into your eyes - or just by staring into space. — Marilyn Monroe

你真正喜欢的人只要抚摸一下你的头,冲你一个微笑,甚至傻傻的发呆就可以让你兴奋。 — 玛丽莲·梦露

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