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be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades. laugh or cry as you like, and it is meaningless to oppress yourself.


among thousands of people, you meet those you’ve met. through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late.


remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten.alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.

【第4句】:能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间,以时间来推移感情,时间越长,冲突越淡,仿佛不断稀释的茶。 apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. while feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.


“you couldn’t see my tears cause i am in the water.” fish said to water.“but i could feel your tears cause you are in me.”answered water.


it‘s true that we have been leading a difficult life, for we need not only to be under various external pressures, but also to be in the face of internal perplexities.you would be affected by the warmth of life if someone gives you an understanding look during your bitter struggle.even a mere glance would make you moved and inpired.


i wouldn‘t care success or failure, for i will only struggle ahead as long as i have been destined to the distance. i wouldn‘t care the difficulties around, for what i can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since i have been marching toward the horizontal.


penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than loss itself and making a good words !



happiness is accompanied by sorrow, and it would turn sunny after rain as well. if rain remains after rain and sorrow remains after sorrow, please take those farewells easy, and turn to smilingly look for yourself who is never to appear.



there is someone that is coming or passing away in your life around the clock, so you may lose sight of those seen, and forget those remembered. there is gain and loss in your life, so you may catch sight of those unseen, and remember those forgotten. nevertheless, doesn‘t the unseen exist for sure? will the remembered remain forever?


tough--minded optimists approach problems with a can-do philosophy and emerge stronger from tragedies. (lucius annaeus seneca, ancient roman philosopher)

意志坚强的乐观主义者用“世上无难事”人生观来思考问题,越是遭受悲剧打击,越是表现得坚强。(古罗马哲学家 西尼加 l a)

trouble is only opportunity in work clothes.(h.j.kaier, american businessman)

困难只是穿上工作服的机遇。(美国实业家 凯泽 h j)

we have all sufficient strength to endure the misfortunes of others. (la rochefoucauld, french writer)

我们都有足够的力量来忍受别人的不幸。(法国作家 拉罗什富科)

we shall defend ourselves to the last breath of man and beast. (william ii, king of england)

只要一息尚存,我们就要为保卫自己而战。(英国皇帝 威廉二世)

mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us as we grasp them by the handle or blade.(james russell lowell, american poetess and critic)

灾难就像刀子,握住刀柄就可以为我们服务,拿住刀刃则会割破手。(美国女诗人、批评家 洛威尔 j r)

no one can degrade us except ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influence can defeat us. (b.t.washington, american educator)

除了我们自己以外,没有人能贬低我们。如果我们坚强,就没有什么不良影响能够打败我们。(美国教育家 华盛顿 b t)

no pain , no palm; no thorns , no throne ; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown. (william penn, british admiral)

没有播种,何来收获;没有辛劳,何来成功;没有磨难,何来荣耀;没有挫折,何来辉煌。(英国海军上将 佩恩 w)

optimists always picture themselves accomplishing their goals. (lucius anaeus seneca, ancient roman philosopher)

乐观主义者总是想象自己实现了目标的情景。(古罗马哲学家 西尼加 l a)

perhaps you can''t control your job, but you may be able to make other changes in your life. (alan loy mcginnis ,british writer)

或许你不能支配自己的工作,但你能够使生活发生转变。(英国作家 麦金尼斯 a l)

prosperity doth best discover vice, but adversity doth discover virtue.


rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation. (john kennedy, american president)

从希望中得到欢乐,在苦难中保持坚韧。(美国总统 肯尼迪 j)

sweet are the uses of adversity.(william shakspeare,british playwriter)

苦尽甘来。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚 w)

the chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity. (burejer, british writer)

中文的“危机”分为两个字,一个意味着危险,另外一个意味着机会。(英国作家 布瑞杰)

the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come.(james russell lowell, american poetess and critic)

最难忍受的不幸是那些从未来临的不幸。(美国女诗人、评论家 洛威尔 j r)

the more you fight something, the more anxious you become ---the more you''re involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it is to escape. (seebohm caroline, british physician)

你越是为了解决问题而拼斗,你就越变得急躁——在错误的思路中陷得越深,也越难摆脱痛苦。(英国医生 卡罗琳 s)

the tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss. (thomas carlyle, british essayist and historian)

生活的`悲剧不在于人们受到多少苦,而在于人们错过了什么。(英国散文家、历史学家 卡莱尔 t)

adversity reveals genius; fortune conceals it. (horace, ancient roman poet)

苦难显才华,好运隐天资。(古罗马诗人 贺拉斯)

almost any situation---good or bad ---is affected by the attitude we bring to. (lucius annaus seneca, ancient roman philosopher)

差不多任何一种处境——无论是好是坏——都受到我们对待处境的态度的影响。(古罗马哲学家 西尼加 l a)

although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. (hellen keller, american writer)

虽然世界多苦难,但是苦难总是能战胜的(美国作家 海伦·凯勒)


a certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times .a ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight. (arthur schopenhauer. geman philosopher)

一定的忧愁、痛苦或烦恼,对每个人都是时时必需的`。一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不会稳定,不能朝着目的地一直前进。(德国哲学家 叔本华 a)

a man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears. (michel eyquem montaigne, french essayist)

害怕痛苦的人已经在承受他所害怕 的痛苦了。(法国散文家 蒙田 m e)

as empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have least wit are the greatest babblers. (plato , ancient greek philosopher)

正像空容器发出的声音最大,智力最低者最善于唠叨不休。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

better one suffer, than a nation grieve. (john drydon, british poet)

宁可一人受苦,不使民族悲伤。(英国诗人 德莱顿 j)

between grief and nothing i will take grief. (william faulkner, american writer)

在悲痛与虚无之间,我愿意选择悲痛。(美国作家 福克纳 w)

comparison, more than reality, makes men happy or wretched. (thomas fuller, american inventor)

使人高兴的或者沮丧的,与其说是事实,还不如说是攀比。(美国发明家 富勒 t)

for evil news rides fast, while good news baits later. (john milton, britsh poet)

好事不出门,坏事传千里。(英国诗人 弥尔顿 j)

grief is itself a medicine. (william cowper, british poet)

悲痛本身也是一种药。(英国诗人 考伯 w)

happiness is beneficial for the body , but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind. (marcel proust, french writer)

愉快有益于人的身体,但只有悲伤才能培养心灵力量。(法国作家 普鲁斯 m)

have no doubts because of trouble nor be thou discomtited


for the water of life's fountain springeth from a gloom bed


sit not sad because that time a fitful aspect weareth


patience is most bitter , yet most sweet the fruit it bearth


sadi , perisian poet

波斯诗人 萨迪

he best can pity who has felt the worse. (john gay, british dramstist and poet)

感受过悲伤的人最富有同情心。(英国剧作家、诗人 盖伊 j)

he who in adversity would have succor, let him be generous while he rests secure. (saki, british writer)

谁想在逆境中得到援助,就应在身处顺境时待人宽厚。(英国作家 萨基)

i tell you hopeless grief is passionless. (e.b.browning, british poetess)

我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有激情的。(英国女诗人 布朗宁 e b)

it is not miserable to be blind; it is miserable to be incapable of en-during blindness. (john milton, british poet)

失明本身并非是悲惨的,不能忍受失明才是悲惨的。(英国诗人 弥尔顿 j)

life is made up of sobs, sniffles and smiles with sniffes predomi-nating. (o.henry, american writer)

人生是由呜咽、抽泣和微笑组成的,而在三者之中,抽泣处于支配地位。(美国作家 欧 享利)


D: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 2024 the first English Talent Competition

held by XingHai Middle School.

L: 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好!欢迎来到2024年兴海中学第一届英语风采大


D: We are honored to gather here .I’m Dingxiaoling.

L: I’m Luwenzhi。

D: 本届英语风采大赛在校领导和老师们的关怀与鼓励下,由兴海中学英语组主办,本校高


L: The Competition is supported by the leaders and teachers in our school., sponsored by English

Group. Let's introduce today's honorable leaders, teachers and guests.They are.......


D: We are honored to have you here, and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today. Now I have the

great privilege of presenting today’s judges.

L: 担任本次大赛评委的是:XX  让我们以同样热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!下面有请邵校


D: Thank you for being a part of this competition.




D:OK, ,it's show time! Let’s look forward to all the brilliant performances! Wish them good luck!

L: 今天希望每位到场的嘉宾能享受这场外文盛宴,同时也希望大家能度过一个美好的下午。首先有请高二一班同学给我们带来歌舞剧小苹果。

L: 感谢高二1班的同学们给我们带来一场视听的享受。接下来,让我们以热烈的掌声,有请高一二班的同学为我们带来男生独唱吻别 .

D: Wow, what a beautiful sounds of nature!  Thanks for this wonderful singing !

D: 是的,令人流连忘返的.天籁之音啊!说到这,我相信在座的所有人都看过一部经久不衰的电视剧新白娘子传奇,甚至很多人还会模仿其中的经典台词和经典桥段。都说经典难以超越,是不是这样的呢?接下来,有请高二四班同学们为我们带来属于他们的话剧新白娘子传奇外传。

D:The legend of white snake,Welcome !

D: What a wonderful drama ! Next , let’s come back to the garden of music


L: Welcome !


L: Thank you ! Hey , these years , Caring about the disabled became popular all over China, also in

South Korea , Canada , US and many other countries .

D: 没错,关爱残疾人确实在国内非常普遍,甚至可以说带来了一场席卷全国的关爱风暴,国内近年来出现了大量类似的综艺节目,电影和电视剧。今天,就来看看高二1班同学为我们带来的小品关爱残疾人。Welcome!

L: After watching a very fabulous performance, let’s enjoy a wonderful drama!

D: 下面来自高二四班的同学们为我们带来歌舞剧捉泥鳅。

L:《Catch Loach 》, welcome!

L:谢谢以上同学为大家带来的精彩表演。下面,有请高一9班同学为大家带来话剧表演((白雪公主))。D;Thanks for your brilliant performances. Now, allow me to introduce students from

class9, grade 1 to perform their drama, Snow White, welcome.


L: Thanks for the beautiful singing! 接下来,有请高二10班同学为我们带来话剧向四大名著致敬。 D:《Hail to the four great classical novels.》,welcome!

L: Hey , miss Ding,we never believe in hot guys ,but this summer ,we believe in hot voices .


D: Wonderful voices of China ! For humans , love is a eternal theme , we are always touched by the

sad love story easily . So next, let’s enjoy a famous love story .


D: Welcome !

L:Tonight we have so many different experiences that all make us impressed .

D:没错,在这里我们主持人也愿在座的同学们在未来的三年能收获到属于你们的甜美成果!今天下午的风采展示到此就告一段落了。工作人员正在紧张的统分中。让我们来个小节目放松神经。有请英语组教师 杜晓辉,鲁文智,张强为大家高歌一曲。热烈欢迎!







D:朋友们,兴海中学第一届希望之星英语风采大赛到这里就全部结束了,再次感谢各位的到来。 L:英语风采大赛的成功举办是学校领导,各部门,英语组教师及高一高二年级组同学的广泛参与、认真准备和辛苦排练的结果,充分展示了我们法学学子积极向上、全面发展的风貌,作为其中的一员,我们感到由衷的自豪,对各班的积极参与,我们表示由衷的感谢!

D:Ladies and gentlemen, our competition is coming to the end. Thanks again for your coming. L:让我们记住这共度美好时刻,再见!

L&D:My dear friends, good bye!